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Colleen Bryant

Master Holistic Health Coach
Areas of Interest

Colleen is a certified Health Coach with Prekure and is motivated by personal events in her life that saw her shutting down a successful business as her husband received a cruel cancer diagnosis with only a year to live. They moved to a 3 acre block to organically grow theirown orchard and vegetables outside of Cambridge.

Colleen is a certified Health Coach with Prekure and is motivated by personal events in her life that saw her shutting down a successful business as her husband received a cruel cancer diagnosis with only a year to live. They moved to a 3 acre block to organically grow their own orchard and vegetables outside of Cambridge. 10 years on her husband survived and is back working.

Colleen supports others to be at choice walking along side her clients and their medical professionals so that lifestyle and behaviour changes can be made more easily.

Colleen says “When we achieve personal wellness, professional development becomes way easier in working a job or ownership of your own business”

Company: Alliance Success Coaching