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Wendy Clarke

Certified Primal Health Coach (PHC), Advanced Dip of Integrative Nutritional Therapeutics, Bachelor of Business
Areas of Interest

I’m Wendy Clarke, a certified Master Primal Health Coach with a passion for ancestral living and how it relates to brain health.  I support and help women struggling with brain fog, fatigue, lack of focus, forgetfulness, and other brain related issues, that are impacting their enjoyment of life.

It is my mission to listen, support, guide and educate people who want to take steps towards improving their quality of life so they can get back to thriving.

My coaching approach brings direction and positive support to my clients, by helping them find their motivation for change and their WHY.  I help my clients set realistic and attainable goals and identify the tiny steps to reach those goals.  I also teach my clients how to keep themselves accountable, giving them strategies to maintain their new habits when the coach is not around.

Ancestral health gets you back to eating real, whole foods, moving as humans have evolved to move, and sleeping and living according to our natural rhythms, all of which foster maximal brain health. We are designed to thrive.


Company: the Living Larder