Masha Gimelfarb

I am a Prekure certified Master Holistic Health coach who specialises in helping you reconnect with your authentic self, align your goals with it, learn to drop the struggle with anxiety via mental and emotional resilience tools and rediscover the life you once envisioned in a holistic way.
Rhonda van de Geest

Rhonda is a certified Mental Health Coach. She helps clients burdened by unwanted feelings, overwhelming emotions and disruptive habits, to move forward with intention and clarity, to live a more fulfilling life. Her special area of interest is helping clients process trauma caused by Narcissistic Abuse &/or Toxic Religion.
Shannon Shattock

I am Shannon, a certified health coach, nutritionist, and personal trainer with a passion for holistic health, primal nutrition, and full-body movement. I believe that living a long, healthy, and happy life is possible when we take a holistic approach to our well-being. I am dedicated to helping people achieve optimal health and longevity through […]