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Megan Cleary

Certified Health Coach; Certified Life Coach; Masters Health Science (Health Promotion); Bachelor Applied Science (Consumer Science)
Areas of Interest

Some parts of being healthy came naturally to me. I was that weird kid who came home from school and was happy to chow down on raw cauliflower and broccoli. I remember in my late 20’s, after one too many carrot juices, my skin turning a soft hue of orange. I’m drawn to healthy food.

I’ve been active most of my life and equally inactive for parts of it. I’ve fallen off track, tried fads, was always curious about people and personal development, partied hard and attended health retreats.

I love that we humans are a mixture of good and bad, happy and sad, kind and cruel, saint and sinner and of course healthy and unhealthy.

Life and Health Coaching brings all this together. My great joy is helping women to finally drop the pressure to do it all perfectly. To find simple ways to maintain and improve their wellbeing so they can travel, create memories with their grandkids, keep learning, prepare for and enjoy retirement and keep their independence and Joie de vivre for years to come.

Along with my life experience, my education aligns with my value of being a life long learner. I have a Masters in Health Science; Bachelor of Applied Science; Certifications in both Life and Health Coaching.

If I had the chance to choose my last meal, it would be Italian, washed down with a glass of Shiraz. A good night out for me now is staying in, laughing with friends and enjoying their stories and journeys.

Here’s how I can best help you:

I get you started on improving your wellbeing and finding your energy;

I help you to keep going;

I help you to slow down on critiquing yourself so harshly;

I help you find the fun in the journey; and

I give you the space and encouragement to find what works for you.

Company: Meg Cleary Coaching