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Laura Vernon

PreKure Health Coach, PreKure Mental Health Coach, NZOIA Bush 1, Sea Kayak 1 & MTB 1. Bachelors in Occupational Therapy (in progress)
Certifying Program

At Beyond Health Coaching, every girl deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential, both academically and personally. My approach combines the expertise of a PreKure certified health coach, with a deep commitment to outdoor activities, NZOIA outdoor qualifications in MTB, Sea Kayak and Bush, while providing mental health support, and the continual development of a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy. I understand that girls wellness is not solely about physical health, it encompasses emotional, spiritual, mental, and social well-being as well. My coaching methods are informed by the principles of Acceptance and Commitment theory, (ACT). A mindfulness based behavioural therapy that empowers girls to live a rich and meaningful life. I cover various aspects of well-being, including substance misuse and addictions, nutrition, fitness, sleep goals and behaviours as medicine. My expertise extends to addressing mental health challenges, including anxiety, depression, in the profound connection between mind and body.

Company: Beyond Health Coaching