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Lynda Rose

Bachelor of Nutrition (Torrens University) Certified Health Coach (HCANZA) Certified Pilates Instructor (Matt & Reformer). Nutrition Network Trained in LCHF. Diabetes Reversal Nutrition. Professional Training in LCHF/Ketogenic Nutrition and treatment. Holistic Lifestyle Level 3 (Chek Institute).
Areas of Interest

Lynda has a passion to support women who have a desire to live a healthy lifestyle. She encourages a focus on body composition rather than body weight. She provides women with a vision for how their future can be. Lynda has lived through a cancer diagnosis as well as prediabetesand has personal insight into the journey required to choosing a healthy lifestyle.

Lynda has a passion to support women who have a desire to live a healthy lifestyle. She encourages a focus on body composition rather than body weight. She provides women with a vision for how their future can be. Lynda has lived through a cancer diagnosis as well as prediabetes and has personal insight into the journey required to choosing a healthy lifestyle.  Compassionate and optimistic to all different life situations.  She has raised 4 children and now is the Nani to 6 wonderful grandchildren.


