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Merly Hartnett

Coaching Intensive Practicum 2.0, Institute of Integrative Nutrition
Areas of Interest

Merly is an Integrative Health Coach helping female professionals bounce back from burnout so they can be unstoppable in their careers through 1:1 health coaching with her Burnout Recovery Program. Merly focuses on supporting her clients on the road to recovery by taking a holistic/integrative approach to self-healing, that isclient-led and science-based effectiveness of lifestyle medicine that feels doable.

Merly is an Integrative Health Coach helping female professionals bounce back from burnout so they can be unstoppable in their careers through 1:1 health coaching with her Burnout Recovery Program. Merly focuses on supporting her clients on the road to recovery by taking a holistic/integrative approach to self-healing, that is client-led and science-based effectiveness of lifestyle medicine that feels doable. She loves her flat white so she’s not the sort of coach that’s going to say you have to quit your morning cup of joe and dutifully recommends a piece of chocolate every single day! Merly has a background as an Occupational Rehabilitation Career Specialist working with injured workers with psychological and physical injuries. It’s here she saw a real need to take a proactive and holistic approach to recovery which is what led her on the path of health coaching, injury prevention and the importance of driving workplace wellness.
