Danielle Chesher

Danielle is passionate about helping people reclaim their health and perform at their best. As a health and wellness coach with an extensive background in human resource management, Danielle adopts a personalised and evidence-based approach, and understands the complexities of the corporate environment. She works with individuals, teams and organisations to gain clarity, build awareness […]

Tanja Blinkhorn

Tanja helps women in their second half of life regain their ideal health & weight, and to release their stress. Tanja believes that from this point of fresh mental clarity and renewed energy women can create a vision for how they truly want to live. Tanja has travelled this journey herself and has created a […]

Irena Geller

As a Health & Wellness Coach specialising in emotional eating, I support professional women in cultivating a healthy relationship with food through improved eating and thinking habits. I use a comprehensive lifestyle and behaviour changing approach to help them: Understand themselves – body and mind Change the way they think, feel, act Tune out the […]

Sonja Tayler

Sonja has an extensive background in fitness and rehabilitation and loves to utilise coaching, behaviour-change strategies and mindset techniques to empower people to create lifestyles and lives full of vitality and wellbeing in their own unique way. She is passionate about supporting people to achieve their personal health and wellbeing goals, from wherever they are […]

Jacqui de Smidt

I have always been fascinated by how our choices, culture, genetics, environment and hundreds of invisible factors determine our health. My years as an undergraduate in psychology and social anthropology added fuel to this fire. The human mind interacts with the human body in the human world….such a complex web of interdependent factors and forces […]

Jared Cannons

Jared Cannons Auckland, NZ E mihi ana ki ngā mana whenua. I acknowledge the mana whenua. Jared works alongside Dr Lily Fraser to help people reverse their type 2 diabetes. He is really good at helping people to make lifestyle changes that work for them and their whanau. Jared is a skilled chef and runs […]

Jaime Rendell

All the information on health and wellness can be overwhelming and it can be difficult to distinguish fact from fad. As a health coach, I am excited to help you navigate your journey to better health! I use an evidence-based approach, which means I stay up to date with the latest health research and bring […]

Georgina Landy

Hi, my name is George. I am transforming health and well-being through coaching, facilitation, movement, and fun. It is an honour for me to hold space for people to take small steps in their nutrition and lifestyle and bring back that great energy, self-belief, and joy to their lives for a lifetime. I support the […]

Mike Field

Hi, I’m Dr. Mike from Christchurch New Zealand. I am a certified Health Coach specialising in working alongside men in their forties, fifties and sixties. I am a former PE teacher from Canterbury, with a PhD in Education. 15 years ago I got a kick up the backside from the doc, and that led to […]

Wendy Clarke

I’m Wendy Clarke, a certified Master Primal Health Coach with a passion for ancestral living and how it relates to brain health.  I support and help women struggling with brain fog, fatigue, lack of focus, forgetfulness, and other brain related issues, that are impacting their enjoyment of life. It is my mission to listen, support, […]