Co-Creating Universal Health and Wellness

"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The extension to all people of the benefits of medical, psychological and related knowledge is essential to the fullest attainment of health." Principles as set out in the World Health Organization's Constitution Preamble

What is Health & Wellness Coaching?

Health and wellness coaching is a science and an art form, not just a process.

Fundamentally, health & wellness coaching encompasses the sciences of positive psychology, behaviour change, nutrition, exercise and lifestyle medicine with the dynamic art of relationships, teamwork and community.

Find a Health & Wellness Coach Perfect for You

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Christine Boucher

Christine spent over 20 years working in the healthcare industry as a Registered Nurse, specialising in Cardiothoracic Intensive Care. She ...
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Susie Brown

With a background in physiotherapy and integrative cancer care, my study in mental health coaching has deeply enhanced my professional ...
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Dr Ritu Sahni

I am a certified Life Coach and Medical Doctor. After 20 years of a career in clinical medicine and the ...
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Dr Darren Webb

As your Health and Wellness Coach, my role is to support you in discovering your why for making positive and ...
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Janna Arnephy

Kia ora. My name is Janna Maree. I am a Health coach specialising in providing support for people who have ...
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Paula Colloty

I help women create a simpler, more balanced life that supports mental and emotional wellness through connection and small practical ...
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Lorraine Phillips

My mission is to support smart, busy women who know what’s good for them but aren’t doing it yet, by ...
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Jenny Black

Hi, I’m Jenny. I’m a certified health coach with an interest in women in midlife and Lifestyle Medicine. I have ...
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Latest Research and News

HCANZA Submission: Unleashing the Potential of Our Workforce – Scope of Practice Review

HCANZA recently prepared a submission for the Australian government’s Unleashing the Potential of our Health Workforce – Scope of practice review. The review will identify …

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Jaala Dyer, Health & Wellness Coach of the Year in a Healthcare Setting Award 2022

Jaala Dyer is the lead coach at Reversal NZ, a lifestyle medicine clinic that she established with GP Dr Glen Davies in Taupo, New Zealand. ...
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Sharon Tomkins, Health & Wellness Coach of the Year 2022

HCANZA caught up with the inaugural winner of the Health & Wellness Coach of the Year Award, Sharon Tomkins. Based in New Zealand, Sharon runs ...
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Do you really need a website?

A lot of graduate coaches get focused on having and launching a website because we are told that having an online presence is essential to ...
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Are diets high in saturated fat “heart-healthy” now?

This article is written by Chris Kresser and published by the Kresser Institute.  It explores recent research from American Journal of Clinical Nutrition on the ...
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Dr. Sears Wellness Institute

Health Coaches Australia & New Zealand Assoc. in Wellness Health Coaches Australia & New Zealand Association Approves Dr. Sears Wellness Institute Master Health Coach Certification ...
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